The ENTAC (ENgin Teleguided Anti-Char*) was a solid propellant, wire-guided missile for use against enemy tanks, armored combat vehicles, and certain defensive installations, such as bunkers and enemy emplacements. Developed by the French Government and produced by Nord Aviation of Paris, France, the ENTAC was especially suitable for use by the infantry since it weighed 37.5 pounds complete with its launcher. The missile was armed with a high explosive shaped charge warhead designed for maximum effectiveness against medium armored vehicles. After firing it from a simple box-like launcher, the infantryman optically tracked the missile, directing it to the target by maneuvering a swivel stick on a control device to give correction command. The commands were transmitted through fine wires played out from the missile as it sped to its target. The ENTAC had a range of 400 to 2,000 meters.

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In 1961, the U.S. Army decided to buy the ENTAC to replace another French-built missile, the SS-10. The Missile Command had responsibility for procurement, testing, evaluation, and management of the U.S. ENTAC program. Used by American troops in Vietnam, the ENTAC remained in the U.S. Army inventory until 21 April 1969 when it was declared obsolete. It was replaced by the TOW missile system.
System Chronology
15 September-20 October 59 French ENTAC T581 missiles were flight tested by the U.S. Army Rocket & Guided Missile Agency (ARGMA) to determine if further Ordnance interest in the system was warranted. 5 April-20 May 60 Phase I limited engineering tests of the ENTAC were conducted at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, and Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. June 60 The ENTAC was recommended to the Office, Chief of Ordnance (OCO) and DA as an antitank system to be procured in FY 1961 for use by the U.S. Army Infantry. August 60 The ENTAC evaluation report was completed. March 61 Chief of Staff approved the Materiel Requirements Review Committee's recommendation to procure the ENTAC for the Army; the finalized license agreement for the ENTAC; and a comparative cost study of off-shore procurement versus U.S. production. 22 March 61 DA decided to procure the ENTAC for the Infantry. 13 April 61 The ENTAC system in the ground launch mode was type classified Standard A. May 61 Army officially decided to buy the French-designed ENTAC to replace the French SS-1O. The U.S. Army Ordnance Missile Command (AOMC) was given responsibility for the procurement, testing, evaluation, and management of the U.S. ENTAC program. 3 May 61 The license agreement covering the U.S. production of the ENTAC was signed with the French government. 1 June 61 The completed cost study of off-shore procurement versus U.S. production was forwarded by ARGMA through AOMC to the OCO. 16 June 61 A contract with the French government for the procurement of ENTAC missiles, launch/guidance sets, and simulators was signed. 19 June 61 ENTAC missiles were launched by ARGMA in preliminary firing tests to determine the launch feasibility from a forward moving vehicle. 14 September 61 OCO informed AOMC that the ENTAC system would be mounted on the M-151 quarter-ton truck. January 62 New equipment training on the ENTAC for key military and civilian personnel began at Aberdeen Proving Ground. 4 April 62 OCO approved a research and development program to standardize the ENTAC mounted on the M-151 Jeep. 1963 ENTAC missiles were scheduled for delivery to high-priority U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard units. 16 October 63 AMC informed MICOM that further planning for ENTAC procurement after the FY 1964 buy was canceled. This decision was based on the projected availability of the TOW system during the second quarter of FY 1968. Procurement of the M-151 Jeep adaption kits was also deleted from the program. 26 July 65 The first 3-week ENTAC guided missile class was initiated at Fort Gordon, Georgia. June 66 France completed delivery of all ENTAC missiles under provisions of the 16 June 61 contract with the United States. No further procurement of ENTAC hardware was planned. 1968 The ENTAC was prepared for phaseout. A brochure was designed to advertise excess materiel for any Government use prior to disposal 19 June 68 MICOM forwarded a request for type classification of the ENTAC as obsolete. 21 April 69 ENTAC system type classified as obsolete. It was replaced by the TOW missile system. *Tank |